Sunday, November 28, 2010

It's Not Power That Corrupts, But Fear

Losing your freedom for other people is a hard thing to do. People would ask, why should I do these kind of things for other people, its not like it give benefits to myself? Well, that is why I think Aung San Suu Kyi as a hero. She sacrifices her own freedom just for other people.

Aung San Suu Kyi is a pro- democracy leader of Burma, who was finally released after serving 15 out of 21 years under house arrest. Since she has been released, the world attention was up on her. They asked her lots of questions and she answered them. I listened to her interview and was impressed how she didn't complain about the arrest instead talked about how she was sorry for others who ended up in the jail just like her. She spoke to the community without fear and declaimed to the military government of Burma. Free the people that is house arrested. When she knew speaking of the military government was too much risk, she still have done it, just for other people. I believe that she is a hero. She went through all those hardship and sacrificed herself for others when she could not say anything and stay safe. She knows how to respect and value other people. Right now I just wish the innocent people would be free and the military government of Burma would change.

The story of Aung San Suu Kyi relates to the Greek philosopher called Socrates. Socrates spoke to the children and told to them to not believe in many gods. He was trying to teach them justice, moderation, courage, and devotion with heart that respects knowledge. Unfortunately the goverment was very sensitive and made him end up dying by drinking hemlock for the execution . Aung San Suu Kyi too, is trying to free the other house arrested people. She is taking humongous risk because the military goverment is after her but she is still denies to give up. Both Aung San Suu Kyi and Socrates gives up their own things to do goods to other people.

I have a personal story to talk about this. It didn't happen long ago. My friend said that he forgot his homework and begged me to print a copy of mine. By then, I have finished all my homework and was having my free time, my free time wasn't really long and I could only have it twice a week. I had to use that time to print a copy of my homework. That, even though I hated doing his favor, I still did it. I lost some of my own freedom but helped him finish his homework. I am glad I did that just like Aung San Suu Kyi. It was a small thing however I felt really happy to see him saying "Thank you very much" to me.

This is a very famous painting called 'The Scream' by Edward Munch. There is a guy screaming in the middle, what is he afraid of? I think the background strokes are perfectly describing the fear. Therefore, I think the background of this painting matches the idea of the fear that Aung San Suu Kyi talked about. I mean the quote she said, “It is not power that corrupts, but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it.”

 Aung San Suu Kyi does things that are very dangerous for herself. I respect her just like people in Burma because of her brave actions and sacrifices she had to make to help other people. She gives big impressions to people around the world and we think the military goverment should free the people. Therefore, I believe that it was her true heart that moved people and made us know what kind of trouble that people in Burma are dealing with.

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