Thursday, September 30, 2010

John Marsden-4 Letter Story

Last week an author came to our school. His name was John Marsden. He told us how to write a good story and how to make our own words. Then he told us to write a story only using 4 letters. The letters of the story shouldn't be over 4, and it was hard then I thought. But I tried and this is what I wrote......

Just now, my best pal, Bob left me. He left me too soon, I could not do a thing, but just see him dying in front of my knees. I feel guilt, I am so sad, I feel so bad for him. If I could go back to the past, I will do things better to him and so he won't leave me. I guess that is not going to work, now I will just wish him a good luck next life. I want a new pet now, so I said to my mom, "Buy me a new pet!!!"

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