Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hunger Games Project Similarities Between HG and Gladiators

Susan Collin the author of the boook "Hunger Games" has said that her writings was affected a lot by Roman times gladiators. So therefore we did some research to get to know more about gladiators. With our basic knowledge and new knowledge from research, we figured out that the facts very similar to the book as we read it. With our information we made a table showing what kind of things were similar and how they were similar with picutres. It was hard but we got to know more about gladiators and was a good review for the book we read in Humanities class.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Hunger Games Project Propaganda Poster

I worked with Tommy for the Hunger Games project. We thought that by indoctrinating the citizen of Panem with the poster was a good idea, because some of the people might think that District people is treated badly. So in order to convince them, we made a poster with a fake information depicted as images. The propaganda poster is aimed at the citizens of the Capitol to make them think that the districts of Panem are wealthy and have enough food to eat. The Capitol has made the poster using the glittering generalities and transfer devices. Glittering generalities device is a type of propaganda, which uses virtue words to stir up emotions of viewers either positively or negatively. Transfer device is a type of propaganda where symbols are used to carry over authority and stir up emotions of the viewers. The poster of the stomach and steak symbolizes the fullness and luxurious lifestyle of the district people (This is a blatant lie – the Capitol would want to cover up the injustice). The car, house and the money on the background represent the wealth (another exaggeration) The medicine and the shot are trying to show us that the citizens are healthy and getting proper treatment (Again, clearly untrue). The words stand out in the poster suggesting that this propaganda’s purpose is to make Capitol citizens think that the districts are good places to live and how wealthy and well the people are living. Also because the district people are living a good life, the Capitol people would become apathetic and lack concern to district people’s life. The poster came out to be farely good and since we put effort into it, we are satisfied with our final work, below is the photo of our poster.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Man Made Nightmare

Hitler looked like a great leader at first, he fixed all the problems with economy and started making a prosperous life for eveyone again. Then it all happened since Hitler rose to power and became a chancellor. Hitler basically hated Jews, and this hatred lead him to blame Jews for the defeat of World War 1. With him and his supporters, Nazis, created a bad image of Jews. They indoctrinated Germans, and started dehumanizing the Jews. It showed a serious act of propaganda. One night, Hitler burned down synagougues and the Jewish people's houses and the shops. Jew were killed, commimted sucides, windows broke and glass was everywhere. When the buildings were burning, fire fighters were laughing and clapping. This pogrom was named Krystallnacht, meaning "Crystal Night" After that incindent, Jews were expelled from civil servies and universities. About 30,000 Jewish were sent to the first concentration camp and were tortured or were even killed without a trial. Other countries should have responded to this strongly but just announced that it was a bad thing to happen. That does not change anything though, does it? Except for Britain, the number of refugees they took in were very limited for countries like U.S. or Canada. Just because of one man's greed and hatred, Jews were treated really horribly. And we should really have been more supportive to those innocent people.

It was surprising that Jews were being discriminated so badly. There shops were attacked by the same Germans and was just out of the society. People knew this wasn't right, it is not like Jews did something harmful to Germans, but they did not take an action because it was not allowed. People who disobeyed were sent to concentration camp. Therefore people fled to other country like 13 year boy Andre in the "Taking a Stand" or gave Jews food in secret. Some people helped. Yes, that was the right or the least thing they could do. However what hit me hard was the people who adapted to this kind of situations. They avoided the fact that Jews out there were being tortured and killed. The were switching off quickly to keep themselves safe. How could the same human being do this? How could they let it happen? They could have prevented it with small acts of justice. I would bet they are shameful right now and regrets for what they have done. We can learn from mistakes and in the future, we will have to become one and fight against the discrimination.

This incident, Krystallnacht, reminded me of the bombing on Spain. Spanish, like Jews, had no choice but to run for there lives. Therefore, I chose this picture by Picasso Pablo, "Guernica" Both were a terrible holocaust and its a problem that we should never let it happen again.