Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Learing Profile A For A+

Last Friday, Mr.Whiting and Ms.Narsiman came to our humanities classroom. We did some tests to see what kind of learner we were and that was judged by which side of our body was more dominant. Throughout the test I figured out that all might right part of my body was more dominant except for my left side of the brain. And that made me the learing profile A.
I am a profile A, and I looked in the Learning Profile Book to see what strategies can help me learn the best. Some of them were like me and I disagreed at some points. Anyways, I learn best when we try different types of learning strategies, especially when we do active things like skits or anything that involves moving. I love sports and wants to get up and run around. I enjoy doing fun things which makes me to learn with pleasure. When we are not doing something active a good strategy for me is playing with things around me like a pencil. I get less bored and it helps me focus.  Also I learn best by following the directions which is also the reason why I am a left brain dominant. I am easily confused when listening tons of things but if a teacher writes what we are going to do step by step, I can do a good job. When there are no instructions I can try to make one in my head by ordering things that I need to do.
I need to try to see the big picture when I am stressed. I can still work and learn things while I am stressed out. I can bear it and do my work even though I can't think straight and gets annoyed. However when I do this, it gives me more stress and I usually end up having an headache. Once, almost all of my homework was gone and the due date was the day after. I was stressed but I worked on it and finished it by not sleeping at all. What was the problem with this? I couldn't see the big picture. I could have made an excuse or sent an e-mail but because of the due date, I put a lot of pressure on myself and finished it. By doing this, it can give side effects to my body and I am trying to fix this kind of problems.
I would like my teachers to know that I am usually under stress due to homework and my learning outside school, but I try to learn. A good way to help me learn is involving more physical activities or write an instruction for me to follow. Also it will be great if they help me to see the big picture. Maybe they should talk to me and sort things out. A word like "Don't be so attached to minor things" can really help me. I want my teachers know that by understanding my situation can make me learn a whole lot better.
Getting to know more about my learning profile was really helpful. I got to know more about myself and how I could improve on my learning. I have got some advices and a solutions from my teacher and the book. I hope this experience helps me develope on my learning.
The picture above is the picture from Domi-Know. That was how I got my learning profile.